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Beyond-Use Dating, Labeling, Delivery, and Storage of Compounded and Repackaged Mediations in a Hospital or Institutional Setting

Author(s):  McElhiney Linda F

Issue:  Jul/Aug 2008 - Hormone Replacement Therapy
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  316-320

Beyond-Use Dating, Labeling, Delivery, and Storage of Compounded and Repackaged Mediations in a Hospital or Institutional Setting Page 1
Beyond-Use Dating, Labeling, Delivery, and Storage of Compounded and Repackaged Mediations in a Hospital or Institutional Setting Page 2
Beyond-Use Dating, Labeling, Delivery, and Storage of Compounded and Repackaged Mediations in a Hospital or Institutional Setting Page 3
Beyond-Use Dating, Labeling, Delivery, and Storage of Compounded and Repackaged Mediations in a Hospital or Institutional Setting Page 4
Beyond-Use Dating, Labeling, Delivery, and Storage of Compounded and Repackaged Mediations in a Hospital or Institutional Setting Page 5

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Abstract:  Batch-preparation of compounded medications in anticipation of orders or prescriptions and repackaging of medications into unit-dose packages are necessary in the hospital or institutional setting in order to provide around-the-clock patient care. Professional judgment by the compounding pharmacist(s) and adherence to specific standards and guidelines set by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations; United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc.; and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists help to ensure that such medications retain their expected potency and are properly labeled, stored, and administered.

Related Keywords: hospital pharmacy, repackaging, packaging, unit-dose packages, standards, beyond-use dating, dosage forms, alcohol, sterile preparations, risk level


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