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Prophylaxis Against Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens During Compounding

Author(s):  Williams Angie, Mixon William

Issue:  Jan/Feb 2010 - Pediatrics and Wellness
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  14-18

Prophylaxis Against Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens During Compounding Page 1
Prophylaxis Against Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens During Compounding Page 2
Prophylaxis Against Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens During Compounding Page 3
Prophylaxis Against Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens During Compounding Page 4
Prophylaxis Against Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens During Compounding Page 5

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Abstract:  Unintentional exposure to biologic pathogens can occur when preparations that contain blood or its components are compounded. For example, autologous eye drops, which are not commercially available, incorporate serum that must be handled by various staff members in a compounding pharmacy. In this report, we describe workplace practices and materials used to inform our staff members who handle or compound that preparation and other similar formulations about the safe and appropriate handling of blood or body fluids that could contain biologic pathogens. Compounding pharmacists who must develop and implement a standard operating procedure for managing exposures to bloodborne pathogens will find the prototype plan presented in this article of interest.

Related Keywords: Angie Williams, MT, William Mixon, RPh, MS, FIACP, workplace exposure, biologic pathogens, infectious agents, biohazards, standard operating procedure, employee training


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