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Certification of Powder-containment Hoods for Nonsterile Compounding

Author(s):  Mulder Kyle, Dozzi Raphael

Issue:  Sep/Oct 2018 - Volume 22, Number 5
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  369-384

Certification of Powder-containment Hoods for Nonsterile Compounding Page 1
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Certification of Powder-containment Hoods for Nonsterile Compounding Page 16

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Abstract:  It is essential that pharmacy staff, store customers, and the environments to which those individuals are exposed be protected from particles dispersed during compounding when powders are handled, incorporated into preparations, or become airborne when vessels that contain them are opened. The primary engineering controls used most often in nonsterile compounding to protect against such contaminants are fume hoods and powder-containment hoods. Those units must routinely undergo certification testing to confirm that they provide the level of protection for which they were designed. In this article, which pertains to powder-containment hoods as a safeguard against airborne contaminants, questions about certification are answered, finding a qualified certification company and addressing the findings revealed during assessment are discussed, and an example of a single-pass certification report is provided for review.

Related Keywords: Kyle Mulder, NSF, CETA, RCCP-SCF, NEBB CPT CP, powder-containment hoods, environmental exposures, primary engineering control, worker protection, personnel safety, air contamination, compounded nonsterile preparations, certification testing, Class I biosafety cabinet, weigh hood, balance enclosure, containment-ventilated enclosure, single-pass unit, high-efficiency particulate air-filtered fume hood, HEPA-filtered air hood, class 1 cabinet, negative air pressure, airborne particles, particulate matter, air filtration, air filters, regulatory requirements, regulation compliance, United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <800> Hazardous Drugs--Handling in Healthcare Settings, USP, airborne contaminants, hazardous drugs, nonhazardous drugs, Q&A, questions and answers, FAQ, cleaning, maintenance, documentation, certification test report


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