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Profile of a Practice

Author(s):  Davis Jeanie Lerche

Issue:  Jul/Aug 1999 - Compounding Parenteral Products
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  288-290

Profile of a Practice Page 1
Profile of a Practice Page 2
Profile of a Practice Page 3

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Abstract:  This profile features Justin Kohll, RPh, and Kohll’s Pharmacies in Omaha, NE. In the past 6 years, he has expanded the family business to include seven pharmacy-only stores that carry a big selection of durable medical equipment, vitamins and cold/cough items. In addition, Kohll’s Pharmacy has also developed a prescription-management business. The company manages prescription programs for employees of 10 local companies, covering 300,000 people. Kohll’s earliest specialty was providing inhalation therapy for patients going home from a local hospital, and it’s still 25% of his business. He also compounds respiratory therapy compounds and has a respiratory therapist on staff. Now the pharmacy has 600 inhalation patients and dispenses 300 refills every month, in addition to setting up 100 new patients a month. Marketing consists of a monthly physician newsletter and cold calls. Kohll makes calls every day, usually seeing four doctors a morning.

Related Keywords: euthanasia, family practice, specialty niche, veterinary market

Related Categories: BUSINESS

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