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Compounding Pearls--Wound Care: Drugs and Formulations for Dermal Healing, Part 3: The Roles of Nitric Oxide, Sildenafil, and Naltrexone

Author(s):  Riepl Mike

Issue:  Sep/Oct 2021 - Volume 25, Number 5
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  372-377

Compounding Pearls--Wound Care: Drugs and Formulations for Dermal Healing, Part 3: The Roles of Nitric Oxide, Sildenafil, and Naltrexone Page 1
Compounding Pearls--Wound Care: Drugs and Formulations for Dermal Healing, Part 3: The Roles of Nitric Oxide, Sildenafil, and Naltrexone Page 2
Compounding Pearls--Wound Care: Drugs and Formulations for Dermal Healing, Part 3: The Roles of Nitric Oxide, Sildenafil, and Naltrexone Page 3
Compounding Pearls--Wound Care: Drugs and Formulations for Dermal Healing, Part 3: The Roles of Nitric Oxide, Sildenafil, and Naltrexone Page 4
Compounding Pearls--Wound Care: Drugs and Formulations for Dermal Healing, Part 3: The Roles of Nitric Oxide, Sildenafil, and Naltrexone Page 5
Compounding Pearls--Wound Care: Drugs and Formulations for Dermal Healing, Part 3: The Roles of Nitric Oxide, Sildenafil, and Naltrexone Page 6

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Abstract:  Dermal healing occurs via a linear sequence of events in which growth factors cause cell proliferation and a subsequent integration of changes that involve soluble mediators, parenchymal and blood cells, and the production of extracellular matrix. Myriad factors influence the process and progress of healing damaged skin, and numerous agents have been used alone or in combination with other active substances to enable both responses to skin injury or disease. In this third article in a series on compounding for dermal healing, the role of nitric oxide in dermal repair is examined, as is the effectiveness of both sildenafil and naltrexone in promoting recovery. Also provided are compounded skin-healing formulations that proved effective when treatment with commercially manufactured medications failed.

Related Keywords: wound healing, wound closure, risk factors, nitric oxide, vasodilation, angiogenesis, collagen, inflammation, inflammatory stage of healing, dermal healing, nitric oxide synthase, inducible NOS, sildenafil, type V cGMP-dependent phosphodiesterase inhibitor, formulations, L-arginase, pressure ulcers, venous-stasis ulcers, naltrexone, opiate antagonist, opioid growth factor receptors, topical preparations, transdermal administration, skin penetration, dermal permeability


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