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Compatibility of 17-a-estradiol, Caffeine, Clobetasol Propionate, Finasteride Melatonin, Metronidazole, Spironolactone, Tretinoin, and Triamcinolone in Trichosol, a Natural Vehicle for Hair Solutions

Author(s):  Kegele Carolina Schettino, Marianni Bruna, Polonini Hudson

Issue:  Jan/Feb 2025 - Volume 29, Number 1
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Abstract:  Alopecia encompasses various forms of hair loss, including autoimmune conditions like Alopecia Areata, genetic patterns like Androgenetic Alopecia, and temporary issues like Telogen Effluvium. Treatment options vary based on the type and may include medications and topical solutions like TrichoSol™, which enhances hair growth through specialized technology. Personalized medicine and compounding pharmacies are crucial in tailoring treatments to individual needs. This study evaluates the safety and efficacy of TrichoSol™ with multiple active ingredients to support its use in compounded alopecia therapies. For this purpose, compatibility studies were performed using stability-indicating methods to determine the beyond-use dates (BUDs) of compounded formulations within TrichoSol™. The results demonstrates that: metronidazole, caffeine, and triamcinolone are stable for 180 days; 17-a-estradiol is stable for 150 days, while spironolactone lasts 120 days; clobetasol propionate is stable for 90 days, and both finasteride, tretinoin, and melatonin are stable for 60 days in TrichoSol™, all at room temperature. Therefore, TrichoSol™ offers a practical compounding vehicle for these active pharmaceutical ingredients in a liquid topical formulation.


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