High-tech Compounding: State-of-the-art Equipment Improves Products and Profit
Author(s): Allen Loyd V Jr
Issue: Nov/Dec 2001 - High-Tech Compounding
View All Articles in Issue
Page(s): 412-419
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Abstract: One of the greatest assets in the compounder’s armamentarium is equipment. This article features state-of-the-art technology essential for the compounding practice of the future: the Jaansun Capsule Machine, Tube Sealer/Vacuum Pump, Countertop High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filter, Computerized Electronic Mortar and Pestle, Ohaus Explorer Precision Balance, Exakt 50 Ointment Mill, T 25 Ultra-Turrax Homogenizer, PyroTest Endotoxin Detection Kit, STAT System, All-Plastic Disposable Oral Syringes, Professional SureCap IV Capping, and Filling and Sealing Technology. Information is provided regarding basic specifications and features. Contact information for suppliers is also provided.