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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, Inc.

122 N Bryant Ave
Edmond OK 73034
Tel: (800) 757-4572 or (405) 330-0094
Fax: (877) 757-4575 or (405) 330-5622

Loyd V. Allen, Jr., Ph.D., R.Ph.

122 N Bryant Ave
Edmond OK 73034
Tel: (800) 757-4572 Ext. 2 or (405) 330-0094 Ext. 2
Fax: (877) 757-4575 or (405) 330-5622
Biographical Sketch

Deborah Mehlhaff
IJPC and Print and Electronic Subscriptions
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122 N Bryant Ave
Edmond OK 73034
Tel: (800) 757-4572 Ext. 1 or (405) 330-0094 Ext. 1
Fax: (877) 757-4575 or (405) 330-5622
Deborah Mehlhaff

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Chris Burr

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122 N Bryant Ave
Edmond OK 73034
Tel: (800) 757-4572 Ext. 5 or (405) 330-0094 Ext. 5
Fax: (877) 757-4575 or (405) 330-5622
Kari Collier

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Fax: (877) 757-4575 or (405) 330-5622