Satisfaction of Patients Using Bioidentical Hormones for Hormone Replacement Therapy
Author(s): Santoro Filippo
Issue: Sep/Oct 2002 - Veterinary Compounding
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Page(s): 378
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Abstract: In this review of therapy, an analysis of the use of micronized hormones administered in a slow-release capsule to a group of 140 postmenopausal patients is presented, and questions as to the acceptance and tolerance by patients, efficacy, and efficacy compared with conventional hormone replacement therapy options and side effects are answered. Patients took the recommended dosages of hormones for a minimum of 8 weeks, and then underwent reevaluation with dose adjustment if necessary. Participants underwent the one reevaluation and followed the protocol from 3 months to 4 years. Most patients achieved satisfactory results. Most patients who changed their treatment from conventional therapy to bioidentical hormone therapy experienced improvement in symptoms. No patients withdrew because of adverse reactions. The author concludes that most subjects showed improvement and continued therapy after the conclusion of the study. Results of this study suggest that micronized slow-release bioidentical hormones are effective for treating menopausal hormonal deficiencies. They are well tolerated by patients, well absorbed in the intestinal tract, provide relief from menopausal symptoms and do not cause appreciable side effects.