Custom-Compounded Micronized Hormones in a Slow-Release Capsule Matrix
Author(s): Timmons Evelyn D, Timmons Steven P
Issue: Sep/Oct 2002 - Veterinary Compounding
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Page(s): 379
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Abstract: The authors developed formulae in which matrix systems for a variety of drugs, especially natural bioidentical hormones, could be used successfully. This discussion covers slow-release capsules and their mechanism of action, hydrophilic matrix capsules and use of slow-release hormone preparations. Regarding the latter topic, the authors report that their own clinical observations using hormones have shown good patient response in a dose-related manner to all micronized hormones administered in slow-release capsules. However, more clinical testing of this dosage form would be helpful.
Related Keywords: Bioidentical hormone replacement, in a slow-release capsule matrix, Micronized hormones, in a slow-release capsule matrix