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Author(s):  Prince Shelly J

Issue:  Sep/Oct 2002 - Veterinary Compounding
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  387

Calculations Page 1

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Abstract:  The reader is shown through the calculations for five problems. The first involves calculating the dose of fluoxetine for a certain weight cat and the quantity of this solution that should be given for the calculated dose. The second involves calculating the strength in milligrams per milliliter of chlorhexidine digluconate in a canine antiperspirant with chlorhexidine. The third requires calculation of the quantity of injectable solution that should be administered for each dose of phenybutazone for a horse weighing a certain weight. The fourth shows how to calculate the quantity of veterinary phenobarbital 22-mg/mL oral liquid that should be given to a cat weighing 7 lbs to achieve a dose of 4 mg/kg, the quantity of the liquid that should be dispensed for a 30-day supply and the quantity of each ingredient that would be needed to dispense 40 mL of this liquid. The fifth problem involves calculating a dose of aminocaproic acid for treating degenerative myelopathy in a certain weight German shepherd.

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