Stability of Ceftriaxone Sodium When Mixed with Metronidazole Injection
Author(s): Gupta Vishnu D, Maswoswe J
Issue: Jul/Aug 1997 - Compounding for Animals
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Page(s): 280-281
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Abstract: The chemical stabilities of ceftriaxone sodium and metronidazole in a mixture have been studied using a stability-indicating, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay method. The HPLC method is precise and accurate, with a percent relative standard deviation of 1.4 based on five readings. Metronidazole did not lose any potency for four days when stored at 25+1°C. Ceftriaxone sodium lost less than 6% of potency in three days at 25±1°C.The products of decomposition did not interfere with the assay procedure. They eluted before the ceftriaxone peak. The solution remained clear (light yellow) throughout the study period, and the pH value did not change. Ceftriaxone sodium and metronidazole, when mixed together, were stable for three days at 25±1°C.