Compatibility of Various Hormones in Phytobase and HRT Heavy Cream Bases
Author(s): Taylor Sarah, Haselhorst Rodney
Issue: Jan/Feb 2024 - Volume 28, Number 1
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Page(s): 75-81
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Abstract: The release of United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <800> and the revisions to United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <795> (official November 1, 2023) indicates a changing regulatory climate and a trend towards increasingly high standards for the extension of beyond-use dates beyond the default recommended by the guidelines. Given the increased scrutiny and the additional requirements for establishing extended beyond-use dates, additional testing is required to help pharmacies provide the best formulations with scientifically robust data to support an extended beyond-use date for patient convenience. The objective of this study was to demonstrate the suitability of two vehicles, Phytobase and HRT Heavy, for compounded hormone therapy by evaluating the stability and antimicrobial effectiveness of the vehicles with common combinations of hormones.