Lipophilic Ready-to-use Vehicles and Compounded Topical Medications
Author(s): Lacassia Chiara, Spennacchio Antonio, Lopalco Antonio, Lopedota Angela Assunta, la Forgia Flavia Maria, Fontana Sergio, Franco Massimo, Denora Nunzio
Issue: Mar/Apr 2024 - Volume 28, Number 2
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Page(s): 146-150
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Abstract: The preparation of formulations that are not currently on the market or prepared for customized therapy is possible by pharmaceutical compounding. In this study, incorporation tests of some active pharmaceutical ingredients in five ready-touse lipophilic semisolid vehicles were performed, and the physical stability of the prepared extemporaneous formulations was assessed by performing an accelerated centrifuge test. The results demonstrated that it was possible to formulate physically stable topical medications without using special equipment or instruments, ensuring a fast, efficient, and repeatable preparation process. The objective of this work was to provide to compounding pharmacists a table that summarizes some of the semisolid lipophilic vehicles, such as creams water/oil, and ointments, that can be used for the formulation of topical treatments.