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Sodium Acetate-Boric Acid-Alkaline Stock Solution for Ophthalmic Preparations

Author(s):  Allen Loyd V Jr

Issue:  May/Jun 1998 - Compounding Ophthalmics
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  190

Sodium Acetate-Boric Acid-Alkaline Stock Solution for Ophthalmic Preparations Page 1

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Abstract:  In order to prepare a buffer solution at a selected pH, it is generally necessary to use a mixture of two or more ingredients, such as an acid and its salt, a base and its salt, etc. The quantities of materials required can either be calculated using the equations on p. 186 or by using tables that provide the information already calculated. In the following tables two formulas are generally given: a solution of an acid and a second solution of a base. When prepared according to the provided formulas, the two solutions can be mixed in the ratios given for a specific pH. It doesn’t matter how much is prepared; as long as the two are mixed in the given ratios, the pH should be as listed in the table. As always, it is prudent to check the pH of the final solution to confirm it is at the required level.

This chart contains the ingredients and mixing ratios to formulate a variety of othalmic buffer solutions within a broad range of pH values. Solutions included are: Palitzsch Buffer, Sodium Acetate-Boric Acid Stock Solution, Atkins and Pantin Buffer Solution, Boric Acid Buffer, Boric Acic-Sodium Borate Buffer, Sorensen's Modified Phosphate Buffers, Feldman Buffer, and Gilford Ophthalmic Buffer


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