IJPC Compounders' Network List Instructions
The Compounders' Network List (CNL) is an email-based system - all interactions with it can be accomplished by sending postings or commands via email messages. Note, however, that there are two email addresses involved:
Network@lists.ijpc.com - for posting messages to all members of the list.
listserv@lists.ijpc.com - for commands to the server to change account settings.
Send a Message
To send a message to all network list members, use a message
with the following form (the e-mail address is case insensitive.) The server will send a confirmation email back to which you must reply (or click the included link) to confirm the message was sent by you.
From: Your e-mail address
To: network@lists.ijpc.com
Subject: Your Topic
Text you wish to post.
Signature block with three
pieces of contact information
Quit the List
To remove yourself from the CNL, you will need to send
a message to the list server address (listserv@lists.ijpc.com) with the following form
(the e-mail address is case insensitive):
From: Your e-mail address
To: listserv@lists.ijpc.com
Subject: not needed
Signoff Network
Change Your Email-Address
To change your subscribe email address, replace 'You@yourdomain.com' with your new address and send the following message from your OLD address:
From: Your old e-mail address
To: listserv@lists.ijpc.com
Subject: not needed
Change NETWORK You@yourdomain.com
If you can no longer send email from your old account, you may contact the list owner using the link at the bottom of the page, or just use the sign-up page to enroll with your new account.
Temporarily Turn Mail Off
To temporarily stop receiving list mailings while on vacation/away from work, or to stop mail while keeping your account for archive access:
From: Your e-mail address
To: listserv@lists.ijpc.com
Subject: not needed
SET Network nomail
Turn Mail Back On
To temporarily start receiving list mailings after returning from vacation/away from work:
From: Your e-mail address
To: listserv@lists.ijpc.com
Subject: not needed
SET Network mail
Switch to Digest Message Mode
Digest mode causes the server to batch messages into a large email
rather than send many individuals emails. This reduces the number of emails received, though the messages will be delayed somewhat.
From: Your e-mail address
To: listserv@lists.ijpc.com
Subject: not needed
SET Network digests
Switch to Individual Message Mode
Return the list to the normal, one email per list message, mode:
From: Your e-mail address
To: listserv@lists.ijpc.com
Subject: not needed
SET Network nodigests
Request Detailed Command Reference
Have the server send an email with a complete list of commands:
From: Your e-mail address
To: listserv@lists.ijpc.com
Subject: not needed
INFO Refcard
If you still have any problems or questions, please email network-request@lists.ijpc.com, who will be happy to help.