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Compounders' Network List Information

Welcome to the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding's Compounders' Network List server (CNL)

The CNL was created to allow compounding pharmacists worldwide the opportunity to communicate information about preparing compounded medications for individualized patient needs. We invite all subscribers to post questions, thoughts and opinions and to share their expertise and knowledge with colleagues the world over. We'd like to keep discussions focused on particular preparations versus therapeutic topics such as dosages and frequencies. We would like you to provide referenced printed materials from professional and scientific publications when possible.

The CNL is an informal discussion group among professionals. Any unprofessional conduct will not be tolerated and could result in loss of privileges. (see code of conduct)

We hope that CNL becomes one of the many tools a compounder uses to successfully meet the unique needs of patients.

The International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding (IJPC) provides a list server as a service to compounding pharmacists. The accuracy of information contained there is the responsibility of the members and subscribers themselves. IJPC does not verify the accuracy of the information and accepts no liability for loss or damage arising from reliance on the information. By using the service you agree to hold IJPC and its officers, directors and employees harmless from any claim arising from use of the service or reliance on information contained therein.