Quality Control: Glassware Washers: Cleaning Glassware and Implements Used in Compounding, Part 2
Author(s): James Kate, Van Houtte Olivier, Ruriani Deborah, Nolan Odette, Corbetti Reto
Issue: Sep/Oct 2012 - Volume 16, Number 5
View All Articles in Issue
Page(s): 396-403
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Abstract: Compounding with glassware and utensils that are contaminated with drug residues or pyrogens is a recipe for disaster. Using a powerful glassware washer, which can ensure that compounding implements are clean and free of contaminants, may be a worthwhile investment for compounding pharmacies in which the volume of preparations justifies the washer’s cost. A glassware washer provides cleaning superior to that of residential or commercial dishwashers and offers other advantages that range from reproducible cycle parameters to programs that can be configured for specific cleaning needs to the ability to provide a purifiedwater rinse. In this article, a compounder’s decision to purchase a glassware washer—and the results of that decision—are described, and factors that are critical in the selection of a washer for use in a compounding laboratory are listed. Specifications for glassware washers are compared in a Table, and an easy method of determining the time and cost of automatic washing versus handwashing is presented.
Related Keywords: Kate James, RPh, Olivier van Houtte, Deborah Ruriani, Odette Nolan, Reto Corbetti, glassware washers, specifications, product comparison, contaminants, special cleaning options, Dishwasher