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Quality Control: Hand and Glove Sanitizing in Sterile Compounding, Part 2

Author(s):  Greeson Nicole MH, Mixon William, Huslage Kirk, Stiegel Matthew A, Thomann Wayne R

Issue:  Nov/Dec 2019 - Volume 23, Number 6
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  467-471

Quality Control: Hand and Glove Sanitizing in Sterile Compounding, Part 2 Page 1
Quality Control: Hand and Glove Sanitizing in Sterile Compounding, Part 2 Page 2
Quality Control: Hand and Glove Sanitizing in Sterile Compounding, Part 2 Page 3
Quality Control: Hand and Glove Sanitizing in Sterile Compounding, Part 2 Page 4
Quality Control: Hand and Glove Sanitizing in Sterile Compounding, Part 2 Page 5

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Abstract:  Selecting an appropriate sanitizer (i.e., “rub”) for application to hands and gloves before and, if necessary, during sterile compounding is as important as is its consistent and judicious use. Alcohols and chlorhexidine gluconate, which have long been recognized as safe and powerful biocides, are often essential ingredients in such sanitizing products. In this second article in a 2-part series on alcohol-based hand and glove sanitizers, we review the selection of and need for those rubs in sterile compounding, present considerations for their safe storage, compare the features of several appropriate sanitizing agents, and answer compounders’ frequently asked questions about their use. Glove sanitizing is discussed as part of the hand-sanitizing process. In part 1 of this series, we explained, among other topics, the mechanism of action and composition of alcohol-based sanitizers and presented a protocol for their application to hands and gloves.

Related Keywords: hand sanitizers, hand-sanitizing rub, antiseptic hand rub, sterile compounding, alcohol-based hand and glove sanitizers, sterile 70% isopropyl alcohol, chlorhexidine gluconate, microbial contaminants, drug contamination, drug safety regulations, hand hygiene, United States Pharmacopeia <797>, USP, sanitizer storage, compliance, sanitizer dispensers, persistent activity, FAQs


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