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Jul/Aug 2013- Volume 17, Number 4
Jul/Aug 2013- Volume 17, Number 4 (PDF)
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Individual Articles - Jul/Aug 2013- Volume 17, Number 4
(Click for Abstract / Details / Purchase)
Prescription: International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding and MEDLINE Update
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 268

Jet Injection Devices for the Needle-free Administration of Compounds, Vaccines, and Other Agents
Logomasini Mark A
, Stout Richard R, Ron Marcinkoski
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 270-280

United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <797> Timeline: 1989 to 2013
Newton David W
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 283-288

Pharmacists' Liability: What My Pharmacy Law Professor Did Not Cover
Rizo Mike
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 290-293

Types of Pharmacy/Pharmacists
Williams LaVonn A
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 294-301

International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists Legislative/Regulatory Update
Miller David G
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 302-304

Quality Control Analytical Methods: End-preparation Assessments and Tests for Compounded Sterile Preparations
McElhiney Linda F
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 307-311

Basics of Compounding: Foam Dosage Forms
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 312-322

Stockton Shelly J
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 324

Acyclovir 20-mg/mL Oral Suspension
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 326

Acyclovir 200-mg Capsules
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 327

Allopurinol Sodium 4-mg/mL Injection
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 328

Amikacin Sulfate 250-mg/mL Injection
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 329

Dacarbazine 200-mg/mL Injection
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 330

Ketamine 50-mg/mL Injection
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 331

Methohexital Sodium 500-mg/mL Injection
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 332

Metoprolol Tartrate 1-mg/mL Injection
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 333

Rifampin 300-mg and Isoniazid 150-mg Capsules
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 334

Succinylcholine Chloride 50-mg/mL Injection
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 335

Stability of Captopril in SyrSPend SF
Geiger Christine M
, Sorenson Bridget, Whaley Paul A
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 336-338

Patient-centered Care as Value-added Service by Compounding Pharmacists
McPherson Timothy B
, Fontane Patrick E, Day Jonathan R
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 339-343

Stability of Midazolam in SyrSpend SF and SyrSpend SF Cherry
Geiger Christine M
, Sorenson Bridget, Whaley Paul A
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 344-346

Physical Stability of Coconut Oil Lotions Formulated Using a Hydrophile-lipophile System of Various Emulsifier Pairs
Boonme Prapaporn
, Maneenuan Duangkhae, Channarong Sunee
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 347-350

PostScription: Traditional vs Nontraditional Pharmacy
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jul/Aug 2013
Pg. 351

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