Veterinary Ophthalmic Practice: Therapeutic Considerations and Common Ocular Diseases - Part 1
Author(s): Davidson Gigi S
Issue: May/Jun 2004 - Andropause
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Page(s): 169-172
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Abstract: Medical treatment of eye disease in animals can be challenging, as the clinician must consider not only the pharmacological principles of the drug being administered but also the species being treated, the behavior of the animal and the ocular disease process itself. In addition, practical and economic considerations often dictate whether the animal will receive the optimal therapy and dosing regimen. The purpose of this article is to provide the compounding pharmacist with an overview of basic anatomy and physiology of the eye, pharmacologic principles of veterinary ophthalmics and special therapeutic considerations and to discuss selected ocular diseases that commonly affect dogs, cats and horses.
Related Keywords: Ocular disease, feline, treatment of, Pharmacology, for feline ocular disease