University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Care Laboratories: Compounding Laboratory Curriculum and Renovation
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Abstract: As part of a concerted effort to update its curriculum and facilities, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Pharmacy developed a new series of laboratory courses that would provide students with better opportunities to develop skills and apply them to the modern pharmacy practice of pharmaceutical care. Curriculum revisions involved changing the compounding laboratory sequence, upgrading the video library, and tying its website to its training materials; the compounding laboratory facility was renovated to support the demands of the new curriculum. The overall goals of the renovation were to (1) increase the number of workstations in the facility, and (2) increase the ease with which students could retrieve materials necessary for laboratory projects. The renovation schedule was planned so classes were not interrupted.
Related Keywords:
pharmacy education, laboratory courses, curriculum, facilities renovation, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
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