Equipment, Supplies, and Facilities Required for Hospital Compounding
Author(s): McElhiney Linda F
Issue: Nov/Dec 2006 - Veterinary Compounding
View All Articles in Issue
Page(s): 436-441
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Abstract: According to United States Pharmacopeia Chapter <795>, the compounding area should have adequate space to store and organize all equipment, supplies, and chemicals to prevent mix-ups between ingredients, containers, labels, in-process materials, and finished preparations, and the area should be arranged in such a manner to prevent cross-contamination. Also, there should be adequate space for each compounder to safely and efficiently compound each preparation. The ASHP Technical Assistance Bulletin on Compounding Non-Sterile Products in Pharmacies states that a separate facility is not required for compounding activities. Those guidelines state, however, that the compounding area should be isolated from potential interruptions, chemical contaminants, and sources of dust and particulate matter. Guides to general physical requirements for compounding laboratories are easily accessible, and hospital pharmacy administrators should make themselves aware of all standards and guidelines for compounding and repackagin
Related Keywords: Linda F McElhiney, PharmD, RPh, hospital compounding, United States Pharmacopeia, nonsterile compounding, facilities, equipment, quality control, packaging, environmental controls, repackaging, cleaning, maintenance