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Mar/Apr 2023 - Volume 27, Number 2
Mar/Apr 2023 - Volume 27, Number 2 (PDF)
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Individual Articles - Mar/Apr 2023 - Volume 27, Number 2
(Click for Abstract / Details / Purchase)
PreScription: Amoxicillin Shortage Continues: Compounding Pharmacies Filling the Gap!
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 92

Dimercaptosuccinic Acid: Summary of Evidence
Carvin Jamarius
, Thompson Tara
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 94-96

Compounding for the Treatment of COVID-19 and Long COVID, Part 2: Manifestations of Infection, Nomenclature, Transmission, and Treatment
Riepl Mike
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 98-107

Vulvovaginal Symptoms in a Postmenopausal Woman: A Case Study
Lima Ramona
, Gonzalez Mark A, Urwin Craig, Jean Linda, Carvalho Maria, Banov Fabiana
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 108-112

Advanced Compounding; How to Investigate Microbiological Excursions at a Sterile Compounding Facility
Summers Amy
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 114-121

Sterile Basics: Intravenous Admixture Compounding, Part 1: Introduction and Overview of the General Guidelines for an Intravenous Admixture Compounding Program, and Compounding Personnel Considerations
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 123-139

Stockton Shelly J
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 140-141

Aminohippurate Sodium 250 mg/mL Injection
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 142

Amphotericin B 0.1% Topical Microemulsion
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 143

Aphthous Ulcer Gel
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 144

Bethanechol 0.01% in Lanolin 10% and White Petrolatum 90%
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 145

Cyclosporine Topical Microemulsion
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 146

Hypochlorous Acid 0.01% Oral Rinse
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 147

Nystatin, Lidocaine, Hydrocortisone, and Chlorhexidine Oral Rinse
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 148

Pilocarpine Hydrochloride 0.3% w/v Solution
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 149-151

Sacrosidase 8,500 Units Per mL Oral Solution
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 152

Timolol 0.125%/Mucolox 15%/0.9% Normal Saline Nasal Spray
Allen Loyd V Jr
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 153

Extending Practical (In Use) Shelf Life of Oncology Drug Vials Using Spikes
de Wilde Sofieke
, Crul Mirjam, Breukels Oscar
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 154-159

Physicochemical and Microbiological Stability of Pyrimethamine in Paraben-free PCCA Base, SuspendIt
Pramar Yashoda V
, Mandal Tarum K, Bostanian Levon A, Kader Cyndy, Morris Tommy C, Graves Richard A
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 160-168

Comparison of Three Reconstitution Devices: A Simulated Time and Use Study
Penoyer Daleen
, Giuliano Karen, Middleton Aurea
Mar/Apr 2023
Pg. 169-174

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