Opioids: A Review of the Pharmacology
Author(s): Ford Peter R
Issue: Jan/Feb 2000 - Compounding for Pain Management
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Page(s): 17-20
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Abstract: Opium and its derivatives have become the cornerstones of analgesia. However, a staggering number of patients continue to have their pain unrelieved due to a lack of understanding, fear or other factors on behalf of clinicians. In this article, the author focuses on classes of opioid receptors, pain and pain mechanisms (nociceptive pain syndromes, neuropathic pain syndromes), pharmacology of opioid analgesics (morphine, codeine, meperidine and fentanyl) and methadone. He concludes that pain control is an exciting opportunity for pharmacists, and that this is a growing market. A basic understanding of the physiology of pain and the pharmacology of both opioids and nonopioids is essential.
Related Keywords: A fibers, acute pain, addiction, analgesia, C fibers, cancer pain, codeine, constipation, dynorphins, endorphins, enkephalins, fentanyl, meperidine, methadone, morphine, neuropathic pain syndromes, NMDA receptors, nociceptive pain syndrome, opioid agonists, opioid receptors, opioids, opium, pain, pharmacology, poppy