Performance Improvement in 503A Compounding Pharmacies: A Plan for Assessment, Implementation, and Sustained Success
Author(s): Pritchett Jon, Mixon William, O'Connell Kevin
Issue: Jan/Feb 2016 - Volume 20, Number 1
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Page(s): 29-36
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Abstract: Performance improvement is the continual effort to objectively assess current performance and then restructure the practices that support it to more closely achieve desired performance. A plan for performance improvement, unlike other approaches to correcting problems in job fulfillment, is a systematic method used to first find the root causes of areas of concern and then apply corrections to remedy those deficits. Implementing a performance improvement plan that can be easily adapted to ensure compliance with evolving and increasingly complex state and federal regulations is crucial to a successful compounding practice. In this article, we discuss the need for performance improvement in 503A compounding pharmacies, list the steps necessary to develop such a plan, and present three case reports of performance improvement plans in differing compounding settings.
Related Keywords: Jon Pritchett, PharmD, RPh, William Mixon, RPh, MS, FIACP, FACA, Kevin O'Connell, MBA, 503A compounding pharmacies, performance improvement plan, United States Pharmacopeia, Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board, practices and standards, quality assurance, quality control, Accreditation Commission for Health Care, ACHC, case studies, personnel training