Issues and Opportunities: Compounding for Dentistry
Author(s): Marek Cindy L
Issue: Jan/Feb 1999 - Dental Compounding
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Page(s): 4
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Abstract: For many head and neck conditions, the anatomical availability of the affected tissue and musculature allows for the topical delivery of medications, though few items are currently available on the market that are specifically designed for this use. The need for topical dosage forms thus provides compounding pharmacists the opportunity to use their problem-solving skills to develop useful therapeutic alternatives in the form of new dosage forms and delivery methods to treat patients suffering from head and neck diseases. In this article, the author, affiliated with the College of Dentistry and the College of Pharmacy at the University of Iowa, discusses chronic mucositis, pain syndromes and infections.
Related Keywords: Mucositis, Canker, Candidiasis