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Oral Mucositis: Etiology and Clinical and Pharmaceutical Management

Author(s):  Zur Eyal

Issue:  Jan/Feb 2012 - Volume 16, Number 1
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  22-33

Oral Mucositis: Etiology and Clinical and Pharmaceutical Management Page 1
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Oral Mucositis: Etiology and Clinical and Pharmaceutical Management Page 12

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Abstract:  Oral mucosal damage is one of the common and worst side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment for cancer. With prevalence between 10% and 100%, depending on the cytotoxic and/or radiotherapy regimen and patient-associated variables, this morbid condition represents a significant problem in oncology. This article addresses oral mucositis and discusses its prevalence, risk factors, clinical and economical impacts, etiology, and clinical management in view of the most recent evidence. Despite clear progress and the development of clinical guidelines on this topic, what we currently have to offer to patients to manage mucositis and oropharyngeal pain is still inadequate. This article offers two compounded preparations supported by evidence-based data to treat oral mucositis. Expansion of the knowledge of the pathogenesis of mucositis as well as a better insight into individual risk factors will provide opportunities to improve management strategies.

Related Keywords: formulation, cancer chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hematopoietic stem cell transplant, mucous membranes, mouth ulcers, mouth ulceration, stomatitis, risk factors, prevention, keratinocyte growth factor 1, KGF-1, cryotherapy, dry mouth, xerostomia, laser therapy, benzydamine hydrochloride, morphine hydrochloride mouthwash


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