Compounding Antiangiogenic Cancer Therapy for Animals
Author(s): Davidson Gigi S
Issue: May/Jun 2005 - Veterinary Compounding
View All Articles in Issue
Page(s): 195-198
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Abstract: Compounding pharmacists can play a vital role in providing antiangiogenic cancer therapy for animal patients, thereby facilitating the shift in perspective of cancer from a life-threatening diagnosis to a manageable chronic disease. Understanding key etiologic, pathologic, and therapeutic points can facilitate the pharmacist’s participation in the veterinary care triad for cancer therapy. Compounding pharmacists well versed in current concepts for both human and veterinary antiangiogenic therapy will maximally contribute to positive outcomes in veterinary cancer care.
Related Keywords: Gigi Davidson, BSPh, DIVCP, angiogenesis, blood vessels, growth factors, veterinary care, cancer metastasis, tumor growth, metronomic chemotherapy