Audit Problems for Compounding Pharmacies
Author(s): Heckman H Edward
Issue: Jan/Feb 1999 - Dental Compounding
View All Articles in Issue
Page(s): 36-37
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Abstract: The author begins with this startling statement: “Without a doubt you will find the most challenging and risky third-party audits in community pharmacies that compound and bill prescriptions on-line” He then goes on to discuss problems leading to third-party audits (contracts, inadequacies in the on-line transmissions protocol, on-site audits and responding to audit discrepancies), issues (price, critical niche, outside help, avoiding on-line billing) and observing the basics. He concludes that, while compounding can inject new life into a community pharmacy, the risks associated with third parties are real and should be dealt with up front.
Related Keywords: Third, Party, Billing, Claim