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Specialty Compounding for Improved Patient Care: A National Survey of Compounding Pharmacists

Author(s):  Huffman DC, Holmes Erin R

Issue:  Nov/Dec 2006 - Veterinary Compounding
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  462-468

Specialty Compounding for Improved Patient Care: A National Survey of Compounding Pharmacists Page 1
Specialty Compounding for Improved Patient Care: A National Survey of Compounding Pharmacists Page 2
Specialty Compounding for Improved Patient Care: A National Survey of Compounding Pharmacists Page 3
Specialty Compounding for Improved Patient Care: A National Survey of Compounding Pharmacists Page 4
Specialty Compounding for Improved Patient Care: A National Survey of Compounding Pharmacists Page 5
Specialty Compounding for Improved Patient Care: A National Survey of Compounding Pharmacists Page 6
Specialty Compounding for Improved Patient Care: A National Survey of Compounding Pharmacists Page 7

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Abstract:  The apparent re-emergence of pharmaceutical compounding as an important part of health care is largely explained by the increasing demand for pharmaceutical preparations that are not commercially available. However, there have been recent discussions among regulatory agencies and various stakeholders of the pharmacy profession as to the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical compounding, and how compounding should best be regulated. In light of this discussion, the American College of Apothecaries conducted a survey of International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding subscribers in July 2005 to (1) assess the safety and efficacy of compounded preparations, (2) describe the types of compounding and other professional services that are offered by pharmacists, and (3) describe selected compounding pharmacies. In general, respondents reported few incidents of adverse events resulting from compounded preparations, and reported having offered a variety of compounding, professional, and patient care specialties se

Related Keywords: American College of Apothecaries, pharmacist survey, compounding services, regulation, US Food and Drug Administration, accreditation standards, Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board, United States Pharmacopeia, specialty, adverse effects, revenue


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