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Extemporaneous Compounding of Medicated Ointment

Author(s):  Nagel Karen, Ali Fatima, Al-Khudari Sarah, Khan Ayesha, Patel Khushbu, Patel Nikunj, Desai Archana

Issue:  Nov/Dec 2010 - Volume 14, Number 6
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  472-478

Extemporaneous Compounding of Medicated Ointment Page 1
Extemporaneous Compounding of Medicated Ointment Page 2
Extemporaneous Compounding of Medicated Ointment Page 3
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Extemporaneous Compounding of Medicated Ointment Page 7

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Abstract:  Topical preparations represent a large percentage of compounded prescriptions, particularly in the area of dermatology. Properties of ointment bases vary greatly, and active ingredients are frequently added as aqueous or alcoholic solutions. Currently, there are no quantitative guidelines stating the various water and alcohol absorption capacity of different bases. A short experiment was designed to quantitate the amount of water or alcohol that could be absorbed by a series of ointment bases of varying types. Our findings may be used to assist compounding pharmacists in deciding what base is most suitable to use when considering the amount of water, alcohol, or any similar solvent needed to compound the preparation. A general overview of issues related to topical medication compounding is also provided in this article.

Related Keywords: topical preparations, ointment bases, polarity, spreadability, absorption capacity, beyond use date


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