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Compounding Pearls -- Wound Care: Base Selection

Author(s):  Riepl Mike

Issue:  Mar/Apr 2020 - Volume 24, Number 2
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  98-102

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Abstract:  Wounds must be treated both promptly and effectively to prevent the development of injury-related morbidity and mortality. When commercially available wound-care treatments prove either ineffective or unacceptable because of patients’ unique medical needs, a compounded preparation can provide a beneficial alternative. One of the most essential components of preparations designed to treat wounds is the formulation base. In this article, the mechanism of wound healing is briefly reviewed, and bases used in compounds that deliver drugs to external wounds (e.g., cutaneous lesions, ulcers, and irritations; injuries to the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, throat, vulva, perineum, and rectum) are described. Formulations for effective wound-care compounds are also provided.

Related Keywords: wound care, wound healing, topical preparations, formulations, excipients, occlusive bases, phenytoin, misoprostol, lidocaine, polyox bandage, nifedipine, melatonin, naltrexone, insulin, topical gel, semiocclusive bases, scars, scarring, gel bases, cream bases, ointment bases, liquid bases, powder bases


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