Quality Control: Undecided About Buying an In-House Water Purification System? Pros, Cons, and Caveats That May Provide the Answers You Need
Author(s): Mixon William, Fox Samantha, Barnes Danny, Stuart William, Betlach Verne, Hall Richard M, Biller Jeremy, Kelly Russ, Janik Peter, Purcell Julian
Issue: Nov/Dec 2011 - Volume 15, Number 6
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Page(s): 480-487
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Abstract: Although a water purification system designed for use in a compounding pharmacy can offer multiple benefits, problems with the purity of the water produced can present hazards to patients and liability for compounders. In this article, the pros, cons, and caveats of using an on-site water purification system are presented in the testimonials of compounders who have installed that equipment or hesitate to do so, and compounders’ questions about in-house systems are answered by water purification experts.
Related Keywords: William Mixon, RPh, MS, FIACP, Samantha Fox, BA, CPhT, Danny Barnes, PharmD, William Stuart, RPh, Verne Betlach, RPh, FIACP, Richard M. Hall, Jeremy Biller, Russ Kelly, Peter Janik, Julian Purcell, water purity, water purification, microbial contamination, reverse osmosis, filtration, automatic dishwashers, copper piping, water pipes, deionization