Gender Bias in the Treatment of Menopausal Women: I am Hot as Hell and Not Going to Take It Anymore, Part 2
Author(s): DeRosa Angela
Issue: Jan/Feb 2021 - Volume 25, Number 1
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Page(s): 14-17
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Abstract: This represents part two of a two-part article on the topic of gender bias within hormone replacement therapy and the well-orchestrated attempt by the pharmaceutical industry to eliminate bioidentical hormones, as well as to downplay the important role of compounding pharmacies in fulfilling the needs of women in this longstanding gender gap. Part one of this two-part article was published in the November/December 2020 issue of the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding. That article discussed two of the four most prevalent reasons for this bias, Protecting the Bottom Line and Lack of Patent Protection. This article concludes this discussion with reasons three and four, Exclusion of Women in Medical Research and Fear and Retribution.
Related Keywords: gender bias, menopause, hormone replacement therapy, HRT, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, NASEM report, women, clinical research, testosterone, compounded bioidentical hormone therapy, cBHT, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, cBHRT, female sexual desire disorders, hypoactive sexual desire disorders, HSDD, drug safety, clinical efficacy, clinical education and certification, regulations, medical societies, conflicts of interest