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Compounding Ear, Nose and Throat Preparations

Author(s):  Allen Loyd V Jr

Issue:  May/Jun 2000 - Compounding for the Ear, Nose and Throat
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  164-169

Compounding Ear, Nose and Throat Preparations Page 1
Compounding Ear, Nose and Throat Preparations Page 2
Compounding Ear, Nose and Throat Preparations Page 3
Compounding Ear, Nose and Throat Preparations Page 4
Compounding Ear, Nose and Throat Preparations Page 5
Compounding Ear, Nose and Throat Preparations Page 6

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Abstract:  Many different dosage forms can be used for ear, nose and throat applications. The author discusses each of these applications and provides the following example formulations: Benzocaine Otic Solution, General Nasal Solution Vehicle, Desmopressin Acetate Nasal Solution 0.033 mg/mL, Atropine Sulfate 0.5% Nasal Solution, Saline Nasal Mist, Progesterone 20-mg/mL Nasal Solution, Xylometazoline 1-mg/mL Hydrochloride Nasal Drops, and Scopolamine Hydrobromide 0.4-mg per 0.l-mL Nasal Solution. He ends with a brief discussion of beyond-use dates for ear, nose and throat preparations.

Related Keywords: antifungals, anti-infectives, atropine, aural, benzocaine, beyond-use dates, buffering, cleansing agents, counseling, desmopressin, ear drops, ear wax, expiration date, gargles, hearing, inhalants, irrigating, isotonic, lozenges, mouthwash, nasal gel, nasal mist, nasal preparations, nasal solution, nasal supension, nose, otic, otic liquids, otic preparations, otic solutions, pain, pH, preservatives, progesterone, saline, scopolamine, sinus, sterility, throat preparations, throat spray, tonicity, troches, xylometazoline


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