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Chemical Stability of Scopolamine Hydrobromide Nasal Solution

Author(s):  Gupta Vishnu D

Issue:  Sep/Oct 2009 - Veterinary Compounding
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  438-439

Chemical Stability of Scopolamine Hydrobromide Nasal Solution Page 1
Chemical Stability of Scopolamine Hydrobromide Nasal Solution Page 2

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Abstract:  The chemical stability of scopolamine hydrobromide in nasal solution has been studied by using a stability-indicating high-performance liquid chromatographic assay method that was developed in our laboratory. The concentrations of the drug were directly related to peak heights, and the percent relative standard deviation based on five injections was 0.4. The products of decomposition and excipients present in the dosage forms did not interfere with the developed assay method. The nasal solution was stable for at least 42 days when stored in amber-colored glass bottles at room temperature. The physical appearance and the pH value of the nasal solution did not change during the study period.

Related Keywords: scopolamine, hyoscine, anticholinergic drug, nausea, antinausea agent, stability, nasal solution, internasal administration


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