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Automatic Dishwashers and Detergents in the Pharmacy: The Basics

Author(s):  Cabaleiro Joe

Issue:  May/Jun 2004 - Andropause
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  200-202

Automatic Dishwashers and Detergents in the Pharmacy:  The Basics Page 1
Automatic Dishwashers and Detergents in the Pharmacy:  The Basics Page 2
Automatic Dishwashers and Detergents in the Pharmacy:  The Basics Page 3

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Abstract:  Pharmacists must ensure that automatic dishwashers in the pharmacy are used appropriately and that standard operating procedures detail the required cleaning processes. The author provides guidelines for dishwasher selection, detergent selection, appropriate use of dishwashers and water supply. A table provides a comparison of the purpose of commercial dishwashers vs. homeowner dishwashers. The author concludes that improving automatic dishwashing machine cleaning of glassware and tools involves only a few simple steps, which will ensure glassware and tools that are clean, sanitary and disinfected.

Related Keywords: Detergents, in compounding pharmacies, Dishwashers, automatic, in compounding pharmacies


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