Compounding Around the World: Portugal
Author(s): Carvalho Maria Joao
Issue: Nov/Dec 2005 - Pediatrics
View All Articles in Issue
Page(s): 449-451
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Abstract: As a new pharmacist, I am only a beginner in this search for progress. I know what Portugal is today, and I want to contribute for a better tomorrow. International experience has shown me the way, and this was only the beginning. In every country, something incredible is waiting to be learned. When you make the discovery yourself, even if you are not the first to see the light, you have succeeded. I believe the best way of predicting the future is creating it. No matter where you live, you can always contribute. Face this challenge. Be supportive of the move that you want to see in your country. Go forward.
Related Keywords: Portugal, pharmacy practice, innovation, compounding, international