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Insulins: Historical and Current Perspectives

Author(s):  Vance Dwight A

Issue:  Mar/Apr 2007 - Diabetes
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  95-104

Insulins: Historical and Current Perspectives Page 1
Insulins: Historical and Current Perspectives Page 2
Insulins: Historical and Current Perspectives Page 3
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Insulins: Historical and Current Perspectives Page 5
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Insulins: Historical and Current Perspectives Page 8
Insulins: Historical and Current Perspectives Page 9
Insulins: Historical and Current Perspectives Page 10

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Abstract:  Compounding pharmacists can participate in the management of diabetes by compounding preparations to treat health problems that are common among patients with the disease. These compounded preparations include topical preparations to relieve painful episodes of neuropathy, heal ulcers of the legs and feet, or relieve discomfort related to oral complications. Controlling blood glucose is of utmost importance for the patient with diabetes. Therefore, compounding pharmacists need a concise knowledge of insulins and a ready resource for insulin facts and their associated rules for storing, mixing, and administration. Until technology reveals a means to actually correct the genetic machinery than causes diabetes, increasing his or her knowledge of insulin is one of the best ways a pharmacist can contribute to the care of patients with this disease.

Related Keywords: diabetes mellitus, blood glucose, storage


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