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Jan/Feb 2003 - Terrorism
Jan/Feb 2003 - Terrorism (PDF)
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Individual Articles - Jan/Feb 2003 - Terrorism
(Click for Abstract / Details / Purchase)
Compounding for the Effects of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Sammarco Domenic A
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 10-15

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Diabetes Mellitus: Pathophysiology and Complications
Meece Jerry
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 17-20

Profile of a Practice: Ward Drug Company Diabetic Shoppe and Prescription Compounding Center
Vail Jane
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 21-23

Natural or Bioidentical Hormone Replacement: What makes the Difference? An Interview with Christopher B. Cutter, MD.
Vail Jane
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 24-26

Equine Cushing’s Syndrome
Vail Jane
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 27-29

Establishing and Standardizing Preferred Pharmacy Practices in a Multioffice Infusion Company, Part 2
Chamallas Stanley N
, Sullivan Kathleen
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 32-36

Packaging Choices for Compounded Materials
Ambrosio Thomas J
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 37-41

Technology Spotlight: Barrier Isolators
Moussa Magdy
, Rahe Hank, Lo Katharine
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 42-43

Determining the Availability of a Commercial Drug
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 44-45

Prince Shelly J
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 46

Featured Excipient: Flavor Enhancing Agents
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 48-50

Basics of Compounding for Terrorist Attacks, Part 1
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 51-54

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Amoxicillin 125-mg/5-mL and 250-mg/5-mL Suspensions
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 55

Atropine 1-mg Gelatin Troches
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 56

Atropine Sulfate 0.1% for Inhalation
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 57

Atropine Sulfate 0.5-mg/mL Injection
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 58

Gentamicin Sulfate 40-mg/mL Injection
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 59

Levofloxacin 250-mg/5mL Oral Liquid
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 60

Ofloxacin 250-mg/5-mL Oral Liquid
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 60

Potassium Iodide 130-mg Capsules and Potassium Iodide 16-mg/mL Oral Liquid
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 61

Ribavirin 200-mg Capsules
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 62

Sodium Hypochlorite Disinfectant Solutions
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 63

Vancomycin HCl 50-mg/mL Oral Solution
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 64

Stability of Glycopyrrolate Injection at Ambient Temperature and 4°C in Polypropylene Syringes
Storms Meredith L
, Stewart James T, Warren Flynn W
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 65-67

Stability of Succinylcholine Chloride Injection at Ambient Temperature and 4 Degree C in Polypropylene Syringes
Storms Meredith L
, Stewart James T, Warren Flynn W
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 68-70

Use of Cysteine Hydrochloride Injection to Increase the Solubility of Calcium and Phosphates in FreAmine III-Containing Parenteral Nutrition Solutions
Trissel Lawrence A
, Xu Quanyun A, Zhang Yanping, Walter William V
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 71-77

Wish You Were Here: Deutsche Apotheken Museum (German Museum of Pharmacy)
Worthen Dennis B
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 78-79

Postcription: Future Trends in High Technology Pharmaceutical Compounding
Allen Loyd V Jr
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 80

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