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Basics of Compounding for Hazardous Drugs, Part 4: Developing the Hazardous Drugs List and Containment Workstations

Author(s):  Allen Loyd V Jr

Issue:  Mar/Apr 2007 - Diabetes
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  149-151

Basics of Compounding for Hazardous Drugs, Part 4: Developing the Hazardous Drugs List and Containment Workstations Page 1
Basics of Compounding for Hazardous Drugs, Part 4: Developing the Hazardous Drugs List and Containment Workstations Page 2
Basics of Compounding for Hazardous Drugs, Part 4: Developing the Hazardous Drugs List and Containment Workstations Page 3

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Abstract:  This is the fourth in a four-part series of articles on the impact of hazardous drug standards on the practice of pharmacy. In this final article of the series, we include a discussion on the development of a specific list of hazardous drugs for the compounding pharmacy and a description of the different types of containment work stations.

Related Keywords: safety, toxicity, toxic, containment workstations, biological cabinets, environmental controls, workplace exposures, isolator, hood


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