Pediatric Compounding: Coloring Outside the Lines
Author(s): Preckshot John
Issue: Jan/Feb 2001 - Compounding for Pediatric Patients
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Page(s): 6-8
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Abstract: Most new drugs are not labeled for certain populations, such as infants and children; and “off-label” use of drugs is common in pediatric patients. In this article, the author introduces pediatricians to the services of compounding pharmacists. He discusses topical anesthetic combinations, laxative formulations, medications for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, antinausea medications, diaper-rash medications, acne medications and head -ice medications. He concludes that the compounding pharmacist must use innovative thinking to formulate pediatric titrations of adult medications and to flavor those titrations to make them more palatable for children.
Related Keywords: adenotonsillectomies, bismuth-subgallate-epinephrine, boots the chemists, dapsone oral liquid dosage, drug administration in infants, febrile seizures, indinavir oral liquid, infant dosing, intranasal midazolam, intravenous diazepam, itraconazole oral solution, off-lable drug uses in children, oral lesions in children, oral liquid medications, pediatric acute pain, pediatric dosing, pediatric drug formulations, propylthiouracil oral supensions, tacrolimus, tinea capitis, acne, antinausea, attention-deficit, children, diaper rash, head lice, hyperactivity, infants, laxative, pediatric, topical anesthetic