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Burning Mouth Syndrome: A Discussion of a Complex Pathology

Author(s):  Zur Eyal

Issue:  May/Jun 2012 - Volume 16, Number 3
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  196-205

Burning Mouth Syndrome: A Discussion of a Complex Pathology Page 1
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Abstract:  Burning mouth syndrome is a complex pathology for which there is very little information about the etiology and pathogenesis. This lack of knowledge leaves patients with suboptimal treatments. This article discusses the existing scientific evidence about this disease. Since topical oral use of clonazepam have been shown to be effective and safe to treat some patients suffering with burning mouth syndrome, formulations including clonazepam are included with this article. Compounding topical preparations of clonazepam offers opportunities for compounding pharmacists to be more involved in improving the quality of life of burning mouth syndrome patients.

Related Keywords: burning mouth syndrome, formulations, clonazepam, oral mucosa, mouth pain, tongue pain, glossodynia, neuropathic pain, neuropathy, lidocaine, lingual nerve block, troche, topical preparations, mouthwash, adhesive gel, benzodiazepine-GABA-A receptor complex, paroxetine, antidepressant, hormone replacement therapy, menopause, lafutidine, histamine H2 receptor antagonist, H2-specific antihistamine, alpha lipoic acid, mitochondrial coenzyme, antioxidant, acupuncture


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