Packaging Choices for Compounded Materials
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Abstract: The interrelationship of a pharmaceutical preparation and its packaging is of major importance to the compounding pharmacist. This article begins by listing six questions that could be answered to establish criteria for selecting a packaging system for a prescribed medication. It also covers packaging options for compounds (glass containers, elastomeric closures, plastics, metals and blister packaging and strip packaging). Tables provide information on relevant physical and chemical characteristics of plastics and glass; possible additives in polyvinyl chloride; evaluation of suitability of glass, polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride packaging for transfusion solutions; pH changes in the contents of polyvinyl chloride bottles and glass bottles and performance of a formulation in a glass control bottle. In summary, when packaging materials are selected, it is important to remember that (1) although high standards are applied to pharmaceutical packaging, most packaging materials are common to other industries; (2) guidelines for gauging package performance are available from government and professional organizations; and (3) plastics or other materials used in containers for compounded preparations should fulfill one simple criterion: they must have specific characteristics for a specific purpose.
Related Keywords:
Packaging, of compounded materials
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