Tips and Hints: Powders, Capsules, Tablets, Suppositories, and Sticks
Author(s): Allen Loyd V Jr
Issue: Jan/Feb 2014 - Volume 18, Number 1
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Page(s): 42-45
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Abstract: No matter the profession, professionals should never stop learning. This is especially true and important in the profession of compounding pharmacy. Compounding pharmacists are continuously faced with the challenge of finding new and inventive ways to assist patients with their individual and specific drug requirements. As compounding pharmacists learn, be it through formal continuing education or experience, they should be willing to share their knowledge with other compounders. In our goal of providing compounding pharmacists with additional knowledge to improve their skills in the art and practice of compounding, this article, which provides tips and hits on compounding with powders, capsules, tablets, suppositories, and sticks, represents the first in a series of articles to assist compounding pharmacists in the preparation of compounded medications.
Related Keywords: quality pharmacy compounding, powders, capsules, tablets, suppositories, sticks, dosage forms, quality control, equipment, storage, environmental controls