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Bedside Manner: Not Just for Doctors Anymore

Author(s):  Cormier Mindy

Issue:  Mar/Apr 2015 - Volume 19, Number 2
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  115-118

Bedside Manner: Not Just for Doctors Anymore Page 1
Bedside Manner: Not Just for Doctors Anymore Page 2
Bedside Manner: Not Just for Doctors Anymore Page 3
Bedside Manner: Not Just for Doctors Anymore Page 4

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Abstract:  Pharmacists play a unique role in health care, one that is integral for proper communication and exchange of information among prescribers and patients. This relationship is referred to as the Triad Relationship within this article. The success of the Triad Relationship is largely based on the pharmacist’s ability to adapt and effectively tailor lines of communication, reinforce validity behind information and recommendations, maintain privacy, and establish reputation based on trust. Word spreads quickly in the healthcare community; those pharmacists that reach to achieve and maintain Triad Relationships help to ensure that pharmacists will continue to remain among the most trusted professionals.

Related Keywords: prescribers, patients, triad relationship, patient counseling, pharmacist counseling, pharmacist-patient relationship, healthcare providers, communication skills, trust, accessibility, patient privacy, listening, best practices, reputation, patient education


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