Case Studies: Treating Dermatological Patients with Compounded Products
Author(s): Holloway Joel E
Issue: Jul/Aug 1998 - Dermatology
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Page(s): 266-267
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Abstract: The author, a physician in a solo consulting and general dermatology practice, presents four brief case reports. The first concerns discolored great toenails treated with a topical solution of diflucan and dimethyl sulfoxide. The second involves mouth soreness due to an apthous ulcer that was treated with trichloroacetic acid crystal and iodine crystal mixture. The third involves dark spots on the face (postinflammatory hyperpigmentation), which were treated with a mixture of hydrocortisone cream, hydroquinone cream and tretinoin cream. The fourth involves a thick, painful, crumbling toenail (onychogryposis and onycholysis), which was treated with an ointment containing urea.
Related Keywords: Fluconazole