Case Report: Diabetic Foot Ulcer Infection Treated with Topical Compounded Medications
Author(s): Agbi Kelechi E, Carvalho Maria, Phan Ha, Tuma Cristiane
Issue: Jan/Feb 2017 - Volume 21, Number 1
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Page(s): 22-27
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Abstract: An adult diabetic male with three toes amputated on his right foot presented with an ulcer infection on his left foot, unresponsive to conventional antifungal oral medication for over two months. The ulcerated foot wound had a large impairment on the patient’s quality of life, as determined by the Wound-QoL questionnaire. The compounding pharmacist recommended and the physician prescribed two topical compounded medicines, which were applied twice a day, free of charge at the compounding pharmacy. The foot ulcer infection was completely resolved following 13 days of treatment, with no longer any impairment on the patient’s quality of life. This scientific case study highlights the value of pharmaceutical compounding in current therapeutics, the importance of the triad relationship, and the key role of the compounding pharmacist in diabetes care.
Related Keywords: diabetes, diabetic ulceration, quality of life, diabetic foot ulcer, wound healing, University of Texas Wound Classification System, infection, antifungal powder, topical administration, clotrimazole, ibuprofen, metronidazole, nifedipine, formulation, antifungal agents, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, NSAID, antimicrobial agent, antibiotic, vascular perfusion, dexpanthenol, fibroblasts, pantothenic acid, re-epithelization, pracaxi oil, Questionnaire on Quality of Life of Patients with Chronic Wounds, Wound-QoL, physician-pharmacist-patient triad