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Bacterial Endotoxins and Pyrogens

Author(s):  Jones Marty

Issue:  Jul/Aug 2001 - Sterile Product Compounding
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  259-263

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Abstract:  The etiologic role of sterile injections in the development of pyrogenic reactions should be of concern to all pharmacists involved in aseptic compounding. In this article, the author discusses bacterial endotoxins, testing for pyrogens, pyrogenic reactions from the use of gentamicin for injection and intrathecal limits for pyrogens. He concludes that the use of pyrogen-free water is the single most important factor in reducing the risk of pyrogenic reactions. End-product testing for bacterial content, potency and endotoxin load ensures the effectiveness and safety of the compounded medication. Clinical concern can be reduced by adhering to quality-control guidelines for policy and procedures in daily practice.

Related Keywords: Endotoxins, bacterial, Pyrogens, Horseshoe crab, Limulus amebocyte lysate LAL


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